Prove Wallet Ownership with Ledger and the AOPP Portal

Regulatory changes mandate that digital asset providers (for example, crypto exchanges, brokerage platforms, OTC desks) in jurisdictions where the Travel Rule is live - like the EU, Switzerland and more - must verify their customers' wallet ownership before enabling transactions in specific scenarios. Failure to comply could result in substantial fines or even the permanent shutdown of the exchange. With the AOPP Portal, proving ownership of a specific wallet address is quick and secure. Learn how to do this if you own a Ledger.

Proving Self-hosted Wallet Address Ownership with a Ledger via the AOPP Portal

When you request to deposit or withdraw to your self-hosted wallet, your digital asset provider will direct you to the AOPP Portal to prove ownership before performing the transaction.

Step 1

Connect your Ledger device to your computer and enter your PIN to unlock it.

Add PIN to Ledger device.

In your Ledger device, choose the asset type you want to prove ownership of (for example, Bitcoin or Ethereum).

Choose the asset app on Ledger device.

Step 2

In the AOPP Portal, select your wallet type, Ledger, from the list of logos:

AOPP Portal with a list of available wallet logos.

Step 3

After selecting Ledger, your browser may request that you allow the connection to your device.

Choose your Ledger model (example: Nano S) and click Connect to allow. This action will only need to be performed the first time you connect your device.

Pop-up message requesting to connect to Ledger Nano S.

A pop-up will appear with instructions on how to proceed.

Step 4

AOPP Portal instructions.

Follow the instructions by checking your Ledger device, which shows a Sign Message text.

In your Ledger, press the Next button to inspect the received message.

Check the message on Ledger device.

Press Next again until you see the Sign Message prompt.

Step 5

Sign the message by pressing both buttons simultaneously on your device.

Confirmation message on Ledger device.

Step 6

After successfully completing the compliance process, your digital asset provider will show you the next steps to execute your transaction.

AOPP Portal success message.

What Is the AOPP Portal?

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The AOPP Portal enables customers to easily prove ownership of a wallet address to their digital asset provider (for example, their exchange).

The AOPP Portal allows you to send a cryptographic signature to your digital asset provider, proving that you control a wallet address.

Is My Privacy at Risk?

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No. Proving ownership of an address is just sending a signature (a text string) to your digital asset provider, which allows them to verify that you own a specific wallet address. This information is not published on any blockchain or distributed ledger. This data is heavily protected and not shared with any compliance technology, as your digital asset provider will store it on-premises.

Do I Need to Pay to Prove I Own my Wallet Address?

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Proving ownership through the AOPP Portal is free, unlike other methods, like the Satoshi Test, which incurs costs, such as the mining fee to perform a microtransaction.

After I Prove Ownership, Where Does My Proof Go?

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Within milliseconds of proving ownership via the AOPP Portal, your proof is automatically sent to your exchange. Moreover, only your exchange will have access to this proof, ensuring there is no leakage of the information to a distributed ledger or any other system.

Can My Exchange Access The Coins In My Self-hosted Wallet?

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No. Your exchange, as well as any other party, can only access your coins in your self-hosted wallet if you hand them your private key.
In an AOPP verification, instead, you use your private key to sign a message and share only that signature, which allows verification without any insight into your private key.

View the Ledger AOPP Portal Tour

Navigate through the Ledger AOPP Portal step-by-step.

View Tour
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