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21 Travel Rule: Version 7.3.0 Released

14 Feb, 2025

We are pleased to announce the latest update of 21 Travel Rule: Version 7.3.0. 

The recent releases of Versions 7.1.0 and 7.2.0 offered further automation options for VASPs, amongst other updates, allowing for continued Travel Rule compliance.

Our most recent release, Version 7.3.0, offers 3 significant updates, promising even more ease of compliance. VASPs can: 

  • Tie an expected AOPP proof to a specific wallet address,

  • Expect streamlined support for legal persons.

  • Access risk scores from multiple risk providers.

See the updates explained in full below. 

21 Travel Rule Version 7.3.0 - What’s New

Tie an Expected AOPP Proof to a Specific Address

As mandated by the Travel Rule, self-hosted wallet owners need to prove ownership over the address they are transacting from. 21 Analytics streamlined this process with the invention of the AOPP Portal. Recently, the AOPP Portal was updated to take “Expected Addresses” into account. 

AOPP portal link expected address
AOPP Portal Link Pop-up with Expected Address

Due to various technical limitations, we initially couldn’t support requiring an expected address (customer's wallet address) for AOPP proofs. After intense research, our engineering team has found a solution that overcomes those limitations, enabling this frequently asked-for feature. 

When the customer's wallet address is registered, the customer will not be able to submit proof of ownership for any address other than the registered one. In fact, any other address will be immediately rejected, and the process will be registered as unsuccessful, ensuring complete compliance with the Travel Rule.

Address ownership proof not accepted
AOPP Portal Customer Screen with Error Message

Streamlined Support Legal Persons

21 Travel Rule now fully supports legal persons. VASPs can transact unhindered with both natural and legal persons when a valid TRP Travel Address is provided. 

register new customer legal person
Registering a New Customer in the Address Book: Natural Person View
send trans notification legal person
Sending a Transaction Notification: Legal Person View


Multiple Risk Providers Supported 

VASPs can now see risk scores from multiple providers, allowing for a more comprehensive and conclusive assessment of the risks associated with each address.

Currently, 21 Travel Rule offers VASPs risk scores from Beosin and Chainalysis; however, any other risk score provider can be swiftly integrated. 

By combining risk scores from multiple providers, VASPs benefit from a broader perspective that helps identify discrepancies between providers and ensures a more balanced evaluation of potential threats. Furthermore, it aids in identifying high-risk transactions and wallets with greater precision, allowing VASPs to strengthen their AML/CTF measures.

View all previous updates; access our product release notes

Streamline your Travel Rule compliance today - reach out to our team for a demo. 

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